Monday, September 14, 2009

New Chapters

It's the beginning of my 3rd week at Western CT State University as a transfer student. I do love it here. It's a bit lonely at times because I live 20 minutes away from school in an apartment (alone) by a beautiful lake. I sort of wish I could enjoy it with somebody, but I am also a hog of my alone time.

I tried out for the theater department's musical City of Angels and got a part in, not only the ensemble, but I am also the understudy for Bobbi. I do not really know what Bobbi is all about yet, however I have to be at every one of her rehearsals. I kind of feel honored that they trust me enough with an understudy part, but at the same time, I am second best to the girl who actually got it. It's cool that they were thinking of me though. I must say I was pleasently surprised.

I've also started to write a book. It is actually my second that I have written so far. My first book was a memoir of my high school days, very comedic, very silly. However, I have started to write a fiction book. The character Leigh is basically the novel version of me. She is me and my laid-back, more serious side of my personality. The story line is that Leigh is blessed/cursed with her past lives coming back to haunt her. She has dreams and visions of her past lives and she is doomed to repeat mistakes she made even in ancient Egyptian times, as part of a harem of wives to Pharaoh Ramesses II. Then, again as a daughter of a farmer during the Salem witch trials. She is always repeating the same mistake, getting involved with the unattainable and therefore, getting punished for these things one way or another. It is not only in her nature, but her destiny.

So essentially, Leigh is living in present times and gets involved with somebody, who she is not supposed to be involved with. Her soul picks bodies and minds that are capable of causing this havoc, even though it desperately tries to go a different way. I have only written about 3 chapters so far. If anybody is interested in reading the rough copy in their spare time, just holla and I will send.

I have yet to find anybody here that understands and 100% gets me. That is not to say I am hard to understand or mysterious, because I am not, but I can't really deal with giggly girls and flirting with bro-rape type guys. I have met one person who is pretty damn cool, who I like to call Steg. He seems like he will stay a good friend for a long time...he is solid.

Other than that, I have established myself as clumsy, but fearless within the theater department. I am silly, but serious and whacky, but laid back. Essentially, I am not letting my own quirks and mistakes get to me, because this is who I am and I cannot really runaway from that.

I do miss my closest friends. I miss the constant banter between Merri and I. I miss the adventures that occur when Marisa and I seem to commence. I miss my sisters and our bashing sessions. I miss the silliness and smiles that happen when I'm around Zoe. We all know I am yearning for a night in the Barnacle with Garrett and needing to talk about his or my slays. I miss Fat Cat with Kristen. I sorely miss my jam sessions with Chris that lead to lack-of-sleep laughter sessions. I miss cooking with Sauerberg. I miss Geoff Byrne's homo-ness. I super miss the O'Neal sisters and hanging out by the pool with them. I miss Alive @ 5 with all of them. This summer was all I wanted it to be due to my friends and my turning 21.

Hopefully, I will find some life-longs here. I know I will, but for now, I am content and happy with all of them.

Cheers to the everlasting kinship! *clink*

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